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“Sustainable Management of Pastures and Meadows” Training for the National Agriculture Advisory Services (May 2006 – July 2006)

Client: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in Bulgaria Project, funded by UNDP

The project defined and implemented a training module on sustainable land management of pastures and meadows for the NAAS. More than 70 experts from all 28 regional offices of NAAS participated. The training was delivered trough presentations, discussions, and work in small groups, as well as field visits.

Main topics presented were:
Pastures and meadows in Bulgaria
   - Distribution, classifications, status, threats, patterns of use
   - Natura 2000 network and conservation significance of the grasslands
   - Biodiversity conservation of pastures and meadows, monitoring
   - Measures for sustainable management and protection
   - Economic value of pastures and meadows
   - Methods and techniques for sharing experience and information with stakeholders
   - Financing opportunities for the pastures and meadows
National Agri-Environment Program
   - Natura 2000 measure, etc.

Our responsibilities included:
Development of the training program and selection of approaches to deliver it in coordination with NAAS, MAF, and leading experts in the field
Preparation of training materials and coordination of the development of the presentations
Formation of a training team consisting of experts from the Botany Institute of BAS, the University of Agriculture in Plovdiv, the National Dairy Board and the Agro-Ecology Department of MAF
Conducted three 3-days trainings for the NAAS staff all over the country
Developed a booklet with all materials from the training sessions, including case studies with best practices for sustainable management of pastures and meadows
Report including recommendations and suggestions for future steps in the sustainable management of pastures and meadows as well as project ideas.

